Palo Santo: Cleansing
Palo Santo (Bursera Gravelens) also known as 'Holy Wood' is perfect for use with smudging and incense. Ethically sourced from South America, it is derived from naturally fallen trees, which are renowned for producing powerful essential oil.
Palo Santo is used for it purifying and cleansing anti-microbial properties and is known to support emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Lighting it can help to clear negative energy and reduce anixiety. With sweet notes of pine, mint and lemon, it unique aroma will leave you feeling calm and uplifted.
Palo Santo has been lit by Sharmans during ceremonies and rituals for centuries. We particularly like to use Palo Santo here at ARDERE during meditation practices, to allivate feelings of stress and cleanse space.
See below instructions on how to use
ARDERE's Palo Santo is wild harvested, sourced sustainably from naturally downed trees and fallen branches. We only process wood that has been found to have fallen naturally in the forest.
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- Using a match or lighter, light one end of. your Palo Santo stick.
- Hold the Paolo Santo stick at an angle pointing down toward the flame. Allow it to burn for about 30 seconds or more and then blow out the flame.
- Move about your space with the Palo Santo stick, allowing the aroma to diffuse through the smoke.
- Once you are done cleansing your space, if you still want to let the aroma diffuse longer, place the embers-down side at an angle in a fire proof bowl keeping in view and away from children , pets amd flammable items. You can leave it here to carry on incensing the room (whilse still in the view).
How to put out your Palo Santo stick
If you want to put out and extinguish your Palo Santo you need to starve the material of oxygen. You can place the ember-side down in your fireproof bowl and stub and grind it out. To help put it out faster, place a little sand in a shell of fireproof bowl and stuc the ember-side of the stick out in the sand.
Once extinguished you can use the rest of the stick and relight it another day.
Is Your Palo Santo Endangered?
No, this is a case of mistaken identity. There are two different species referred to as Palo Santo. The species, Bulnesia sarmientoi, which grows in the Gran Chaco region of South America is threatened. It is characterised by a dark, mahogany-lookalike wood often used for its essential oils and making furniture. Then there is the Palo Santo used in cleansing rituals which we have here at ARDERE, this species is called Bursera graveolens which is not endangered, it is characterised by a yellowish-tan sometimes streaked with darker shades of brown or grey.
Wood will naturally vary in colour, shape and potency.